Cactus Imaging’s Keith Ferrell discusses automation on FESPA TV - Image Magazine

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Cactus Imaging’s Keith Ferrell discusses automation on FESPA TV

FESPA TV hosts a talk from Cactus Imaging’s GM of Operations, Keith Ferrell, discussing how automation is becoming a key part of the printing process and looking at ways to ensure that print service providers can keep up with the competition.

The talk can be viewed at

Keith addresses the following topics in the talk:

- How printers can stay relevant in a digital world.

- The question of whether automation is the key to unlocking superior productivity

- Ways to avoid sacrificing print quality over speed

- Other factors that come into play where quality is concerned

“It’s very important from a technology point of view that you develop speed, and where that comes from is technology and certainly automation,” said Keith in the talk pointing out, among other things, that:

- To take on the digital aspect of the game, you’ve got to be quicker and smarter.

- You cannot sacrifice quality for speed.

- Substrates are just as important as equipment.

“It’s not just a matter of picking a piece of vinyl, printing on it and hoping for the best. There’s a lot more involved to it,” he concluded in the talk.


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