Cathy O'Connor, CEO of oOh!media will give keynote at WOO APAC - Image Magazine

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Cathy O'Connor, CEO of oOh!media will give keynote at WOO APAC

Cathy O'Connor, CEO of oOh!media will give keynote at WOO APAC

Cathy O'Connor, CEO of oOh!media will be a keynote speaker at the World Out of Home Organization's APAC Forum in Kuala Lumpur from October 11-13. O’Connor will open the second day of the Forum, the focus of which will be the ‘Science of Out of Home’ covering key subjects including Audience Measurement and the importance of data, and the increasing impact of the range of Adtech developments on the sector.

WOO President Tom Goddard says: "We're delighted to welcome Cathy to our APAC Forum in October. She is a key member of the generation of dynamic media executives who are transforming not just Out of Home but the wider media landscape.
"It's especially pleasing to welcome her as it builds on the long relationship WOO, and before that FEPE international, has had with oOh!media."
O'Connor is leading the strategic evolution of oOh!’s business model at a time of rapid change, capitalising on the company’s significant investments in data, audience insights, content and creative to target sustained growth.
A graduate of the Institute of Company Directors (GAICD), O’Connor also holds a BA in Communications from the University of Technology Sydney.
O'Connor succeeded oOh!media founder Brendon Cook as CEO and Managing Director in 2020.

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