Starleaton Sydney is on the move - Image Magazine

Business News

Starleaton Sydney is on the move

Starleaton Sydney is on the move

After forty years in business, company growth now requires larger premises. The new location in St. Leonards is between the Royal North Shore Hospital and Artarmon Homemaker Shopping Centre and offers improved parking facilities as well as better access to the main arterial roads and public transportation. 

The company expects to offer its clients better support by holding larger stock, better delivery options and easier access for order pickups and drop-ins.

The move to the new warehouse will take place from Monday 26th September until Friday 7th October 2022. 

Orders during this period will be shipped from the Melbourne or Brisbane warehouse. The company has confirmed there may be delays of between twenty-four to forty-eight hours during this time and has asked customers to allow for this in their stock holdings. There will also be no pickups during this period.


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