drupa Cube education programme set to educate, engage and entertain - Image Magazine

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drupa Cube education programme set to educate, engage and entertain

drupa Cube education programme set to educate, engage and entertain

drupa, the global trade exhibition for the print industry, will be held from June 16 – 26, 2020  in Düsseldorf, Germany. Held every four years and ranked as a top international fair, it identifies important trends, offers insights into future developments, and drives inspiration.

To provide participants with the best possible experiences, drupa invests in top-class knowledge transfer through its five special forums – including the drupa Cube. ‘Educate – engage – entertain’ is again the slogan of the drupa Cube in 2020, providing a broadly diverse and highly relevant range of content that motivates, provides valuable insights and is interactive for visitors due to its talk formats.

Renowned speakers from around the world will inspire attendees with a visionary range of topics. Bestselling author Michael Gale and internationally renowned designer James Sommerville will also contribute keynotes to the top-class program.

Over 40 sessions - keynotes, C-level sessions, workshops, brand stories and best practice examples, the drupa Cube serves as a source of inspiration and expertise on new digital business models. The content will bring participants up to speed with the global megatrends that have already left their mark and are on course to shape the future.

 “Our primary aim is to put as many ideas as possible out there that participants can successfully implement in their own companies,” says Sabine Geldermann, Director drupa and Global Head Print Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf. “We want to offer a programme that meets their actual needs.”

To give it a clear structure, the drupa Cube programme is divided into five thematic fields. In addition to the Keynote Presentations by James Sommerville and Michael Gale, the Business Evolution lecture sessions focus on global market trends, best practices in sales and marketing, and innovative business models. Print Futures is dedicated to relevant technology trends in print and packaging, along with printed electronics applications. Brand owners and agencies will also share their Brand Stories. In the fifth category, Executive Think Tanks, business leaders are invited to exchange ideas with keynote speakers. Pre-registration is required for these sessions. The complete programme of the drupa Cube, which will take place for the entire duration of the fair from 16 to 26 June, will be available online at the end of February at www.drupa.com/cube-en.

“The print industry has undergone a remarkable technological transformation and can be hailed as a “best case scenario” in this respect - both in terms of changed processes and new business models,” says Michael Gale. “As we access new fields of application, acquire new technologies and capture new vertical markets, we are caught up in the maelstrom of this transition. The print industry must proactively embrace this change. Companies that go digital increase their profits up to five times faster than their competitors; companies that don’t follow this track will therefore find the going incredibly tough. Personally, I find this new market not only important but also very exciting and I'm eager to share my enthusiasm with others. In the drupa Cube, we are putting the spotlight on a number of examples and solutions designed to illustrate strategies for successful corporate management.”

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