Roland DG now scheduling service fire runs to fire affected regions - Image Magazine

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Roland DG now scheduling service fire runs to fire affected regions

Roland DG now scheduling service fire runs to fire affected regions

Following on from Roland DG’s Support Program announcement, Roland DG has started to schedule service runs to fire affected regions across Australia. These runs will occur throughout February.

As was confirmed in a previous news update, the company has an existing Disaster Support Program, and the company’s Product and Marketing Manager, Greg Stone, confirmed the company’s intention to assist where it can, by providing at no cost, call-out fees and labour to review and inspect Roland equipment damaged as a direct result of the fires, or the resulting power outages.

The Roland DG Care team can provide condition reports for any insurance claim requirements and for equipment requiring repair service work, spare parts will be supplied under special rates.

If your business has been impacted, and you are in a position to have your equipment inspected please contact Roland DG directly on 1-800-500-119, through our website booking form at, or via e-mail at [email protected].

Beyond service support, Roland DG is keen to provide additional assistance where possible and as each individual's needs may differ, the company requests that they be contacted to discuss how they can help to get businesses back up and running as fast as possible.


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