FUJIFILM provides corona virus response donating medical and printing equipment - Image Magazine

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FUJIFILM provides corona virus response donating medical and printing equipment

FUJIFILM provides corona virus response donating medical and printing equipment

Fujifilm is donating equipment and supplies worth around US$1 million to support the coronavirus response in China, including Fujifilm medical diagnostic systems and devices that support clinical examination for pneumonia and Fuji Xerox’s printers that can be used at medical sites.

Fujifilm also continues to support medical sites in Wuhan and other regions in China by providing medical equipment installation and maintenance services and responding to customer inquiries 24 hours a day.

“Fujifilm and its group companies extend their sincerest sympathies to all those infected and affected by the novel coronavirus,” the company said in a statement.

Airlines and global companies with significant operations in China have been closing temporarily and endorsing travel restrictions as the coronavirus outbreak derails commerce.

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