ASGA appoints fire ratings expert in Risk and Compliance role - Image Magazine

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ASGA appoints fire ratings expert in Risk and Compliance role

ASGA appoints fire ratings expert in Risk and Compliance role

Fire ratings expert Glenn Hain of G Hain & H.S Kim Risk and Compliance Consulting, has been appointed Risk and Compliance Consultant for the Australian Sign & Graphics Association (ASGA).

“Glenn will prepare general advisory material on the building licenses required when council approval is needed and advise when Certificates of Installations are needed,” says Michael Punch, GM – ASGA.  “He will monitor and notify ASGA of any changes to Australian Standards or to the NCC of Australia that may affect the signage industry; and also provide advice to ASGA current financial members after they first contact the association’s head office.”

Michael confirms that Glenn’s role is a much needed appointment and member benefit.

“It comes at a time when so many signage technicians, and the entire signage industry, are seeking clarification on all of the above matters,” he concludes.

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