Mimaki Virtual Print Festival reaches over 4 million views - Image Magazine

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Mimaki Virtual Print Festival reaches over 4 million views

Mimaki’s Virtual Print Festival came to an end on 1 May and over the last six weeks reached more than 4 million views with 2000+ people participating via its webinars, virtual coffee sessions and more.

“We hope you enjoyed the event and are looking forward to more Mimaki innovations,” said Mimaki Europe in a statement, extending its gratitude for the overwhelming support and success achieved and thanking all who visited, interacted and engaged in the festival.

Virtual guided tours with a host of Mimaki experts’ video demonstrations were scheduled regularly throughout the Virtual Print Festival, highlighting products such as the Mimaki UJV100-160 UV printer, OKI ColorPainter M-64s and the recently-released hybrid Tx300P-1800 MkII, which combines multiple inks for both direct textile and paper transfer printing with interchangeable print platens.

“While the festival is ending, our Tx300P-1800 MkII campaign has just started. Designed to produce a wide range of materials with one printer, this unique hybrid textile printer combines multiple inks for both direct-to-textile and paper printing with interchangeable print platens,” said the statement from Mimaki Europe.

Note - the video highlighting the Tx300P-1800 MkII can be viewed on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93gcwO0wPwQ


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