Top 5 PrintNZ Apprentice winners upload personal videos on Facebook - Image Magazine

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Top 5 PrintNZ Apprentice winners upload personal videos on Facebook

Personal videos of this year’s PrintNZ Apprentice of the Year Top 5, recorded while they were in lockdown, have been individually uploaded and can be viewed at

In a new initiative, the videos provide an opportunity for friends, family and colleagues alike to share in the individual experiences of these high performers, says PrintNZ chief executive Ruth Cobb.

“Our Apprentice of the Year candidates have provided some interesting insight as to how they came into the industry, what they enjoy about their careers, how they have personally benefited from undertaking their qualifications and their future plans,” said Ruth.

“We encourage friends, family and colleagues to view, like, comment on and share the videos. It would be fantastic to have both their individual stories as well as knowledge about the fine standards of work and achievements within the print sector spread as far and wide as possible.”

Ruth adds that discussions continue alongside the Pride In Print Awards to determine the best platform for announcing both the Awards winners and the overall winner of the Apprentice of the Year.

The Top 5 – who have each been named a sector apprentice of the year winner – are:

·         Parth Bhatt of McHargs, Christchurch (Binding and Finishing) – Print Finishers’ Association Binding and Finishing Apprentice of the Year

·         Vanessa Hooton of Tainui Press, Matamata (Digital Printing) – PrintNZ Digital Apprentice of the Year

·         Ryan Scott-Fellows of Hally Labels, Christchurch (Reelfed Printing) – BJ Ball Packaging Apprentice of the Year

·         Nurudin Pelenda of Ovato, Auckland (Sheetfed Printing) – Heidelberg Sheetfed Apprentice of the Year

·         Bonny Seymour of the Gisborne Herald, Gisborne (Reelfed Printing) – Trust4Skills Reelfed Apprentice of the Year

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