Janet / Friday, 13 November 2020 / Categories: Latest News, Associations FUJIFILM to facilitate colour management bootcamp with FESPA Australia FUJIFILM’s John Quixley will facilitate the next colour management bootcamp with FESPA Australia, to be held on from 7 to 9 December 2020. A certified instructor and industry expert in colour management, John has had a long history in this field, first exposed as the market was moving from analogue towards digital proofing. “Our first course with Celmac was a sell out and we received valuable feedback from the participants which will make our next course with FUJIFILM even better. Several of the participants have now qualified as PRINTING United Alliance Digital Colour Professionals,” said Nigel Davies, Presidfent, FESPA Australia. “The goal of these sessions is to help develop professionals who understand colour theory and principles and can manage consistent, predictable and repeatable colour on any system they manage,” explained John. “This comprehensive course is designed to further develop the colour management skills of print professionals, graphic designers and prepress team members.” “We’re constantly learning and these online courses have been specifically designed to be as interactive as possible. The class size is limited and the students can ask questions and engage with the instructor and receive immediate feedback,” added Nigel. Participants can look forward to gaining a better understanding of techniques for device calibration, spot colour management and verification, the use of colour measurement instrumentation and profiling software, as well as learning why colour management is not a theory question but a technology problem that can be solved. To purchase your tickets go to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/colour-management-bootcamp-online-tickets-128582231917 Prices: $400 (FESPA members) and $550 (non-members). Ticket sales end on 6 December 2020. Spaces are limited – so be sure to book early to secure your spot! Previous Article Get your copy of ASGA’s updated Employment Information Guide today! Next Article Sign up for ASGA’s webinar for sub-contractors on 10 December Print 1433