ASGA launches online Sign Industry Directory - Image Magazine

Association News
ASGA launches online Sign Industry Directory

ASGA launches online Sign Industry Directory

ASGA has launched its latest website offering, the Sign Industry Directory, which can be accessed at

The directory's simple, easy-to-navigate interface has been designed to make searching for sign related businesses easy and a dedicated trade supplier section also makes it easy for sign businesses to find products and services. Listing on the Directory is free with ASGA members receiving enhanced listings for even greater visibility.

“This Directory has been over a year in the making from the time the ASGA committee started discussions to the finished product,” said ASGA President Julie Rochester.

“Online directories are as valuable as ever when it comes to searching for particular products and services. Google searching can be frustrating and time consuming - often a keyword search brings up irrelevant listings and rewards those businesses that have paid a lot of money for search engine optimisation. The Directory creates a level playing field when it comes to searching for businesses by category and location. While ASGA members are rewarded by having extra details added to their listing, any sign making relevant business or trade supplier can apply to be listed.”

“As the economy continues to strengthen as COVID outbreaks become less disruptive, we anticipate this will translate to an increased demand for signage over the next 12 – 24 months. With many businesses already visiting looking for sign making related businesses, the Directory will make it easy for them to connect with businesses that cater to their needs.”

For more details, including listing on the Directory, visit: or contact Michael Punch on 0448 274 211, [email protected].

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