Janet / Monday, 7 March 2022 / Categories: Latest News - AUS only, Associations - AUS only Industry Suppliers Ready to Help with Flood Crisis As the flood crisis in Australia’s east continues to unfold, the industry’s suppliers have joined forces again and stand ready to assist affected businesses. John Wall, Managing Director of Roland DG and President of supplier association Visual Connections, says the Register of businesses set up to provide ready reference and resources for industry businesses during the bushfire emergency of early 2020 has been further developed and widely used as businesses dealt with the impacts of COVID. “This same resource will be equally useful for businesses affected by the current floods, and we are currently in the process of updating it with the latest information and offers from our members,” Wall says. “In addition, Visual Connections has compiled a list of organisations who are assisting with the first stage of response, as well as helplines to assist people in dealing with the crisis; we encourage you to refer to it, and to share with your networks.” At this point, Wall stresses that protecting lives over assets is paramount, and it will be some time before efforts can move past these immediate needs. “For the moment, we would echo the calls of authorities and others for anyone in flood zones to make your own safety your main priority. Please don’t go to inspect damage until floodwaters have receded, it is safe to travel on your local roads, and you are absolutely sure electricity has been disconnected and your premises and the surrounding area is safe to enter. “While it is early days, and the priority at this stage is the protection of life and property and the provision of basic necessities, we are of course aware that there will be many of our industry businesses affected who, in the short to medium term, will be considering how to move forward. “Your suppliers can work with you to assess any damage, check and verify whether your systems and equipment are safe to use and provide information for insurance assessors. We will also do whatever we can to help businesses continue to operate and get back up and running quickly once the immediate crisis passes.” Previous Article ASGA appoints new President Next Article Women In Print ‘Think Differently’ Breakfast Series – Tickets Now On Sale Print 572