NZSDA offers support for Auckland floods - Image Magazine

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NZSDA offers support for Auckland floods
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NZSDA offers support for Auckland floods

In an email to members and blog on the association website, the NZSDA has expressed support for all affected by the flooding in Auckland. Noting the disruption to businesses, families and schools, the association has listed helpful tips and contact numbers for various services that business owners may need for themselves, or their families.

Looking After Your Team

  • Check-in directly with everyone in your team, they will really appreciate it and it will give you context around what they are dealing with.
  • Ease work-related pressures as much as you can for staff members who have been directly affected by the flooding.
  • Acknowledge ongoing uncertainty with staff performance with those that have directly been affected by the flooding. They may not be performing at their best. Uncertain situations are harder to adapt to than certain but negative outcomes
  • Maybe create a ‘home away from home’ space at your workplace where your staff can share their experiences so they feel heard, this will earn you more respect and trust as a business owner.
  • Some of your staff maybe unaffected by the floods, but feel guilty and powerless. Maybe encourage or identify a list of practical things that staff members can do to help others. Like organising a team day, in which you can provide support to the Student Volunteer Army. Giving a practical helping hand benefits, not only the community but strengthens bonds between team members.
  • If public transport is unavailable or reduced, think about facilitating carpools among staff. Smaller employers could organise carpooling with other employers nearby. Consider any impact on staff getting to work on time and whether you can be flexible.


Looking Out for Your Business
This is where has some great information about how your business can operate safely, insurance claims, finance and banking, buildings and landlord responsibilities as a result of the flooding.

Need Emergency Relief Funds?
Head to Auckland City Council Website here to make contact and to register for funds.


Flooding Problems or assessments with Buildings?
Report to Auckland Council 0800 22 22 00

Need assistance or help with Clean Up?
Auckland City Council has good information on cleanup on their website here.

Flexible Working Hours or Leave required?
As this is an extraordinary event, you may need to be flexible which may include temporarily changing leave policies, flexible working hours, and making an effort to get in touch with them individually during the workday, as some may have their children home from school.

Be Honest and transparent with your Staff
It would be helpful for your staff to see that the workplace is safe, if required show an assessment report, this will reassure them. If any staff members are unsure about traveling to work or working in a maybe unsafe environment, talk with them about their specific concerns so that you can find solutions together.

Need assistance to comply with tax obligations?
This may include filing and paying on time, upcoming GST, Employer filing, and Income tax. Just send a web message via your myIR login or call 0800 473 566.


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