Janet / Thursday, 27 June 2019 / Categories: Latest News, Business, Associations Keep up to date with the latest fire and building regulations with ASGA New fire ratings on building materials have flowed on to the sign and display sector, and industry professionals will need to make sure they are up to date. Now, the Australian Sign and Graphics Association (ASGA) is leading initiatives to ensure businesses have the information and resources they need on this vital topic. Although new fire and building regulations, brought in to address safety issues with combustible composite cladding materials were not formulated for the sign industry, the impact on work in the sector is undeniable – and the potential risk for industry businesses is very real. ASGA, the peak body for sign industry professionals, is working closely with other associations including Visual Connections and its members, to provide information and resources that will help businesses navigate this brave new world. “It’s vital for signage suppliers to understand just what changes have been made to regulations, and how that will impact on both the applications they produce and the substrates and media they use to produce their products,” says ASGA’s Michael Punch, adding that failure to do so could potentially leave the sign supplier liable for replacement or rectification should their work be judged non-compliant. ASGA recently held a series of round-table information sessions around the country, with more than 200 professionals attending across fives states. The association has since distributed the information from these sessions to all members, and has set up an online resource to provide member businesses with vital information on specific materials and substrates. “The industry suppliers, of course, are well aware of the challenges and are working to verify the ratings on their products and provide this information to us, so that we can make it available to our members,” Punch says. “A lot of signage businesses have particular questions about specific materials – for instance, which acrylic substrates are compliant for particular purposes, or whether there are any transparent materials which are fire-rated. The online resource will help them answer those questions.” As well as the recent member information sessions and resources, the ASGA and Visual Connections is presenting a special session at PrintEx19 in Sydney in August. The session, entitled ‘Fire Ratings – A Hot Topic for Sign Professionals’, will feature experts including regulators, construction and industry specialists, and will run from 3.30-4.30pm on Wednesday 14 August at the Sydney Showground. “This session is open to all PrintEx and Visual Impact visitors completely free of charge, so it’s the perfect opportunity to gain the information and insight you need,” says Micheal. Enforcement of regulations and standards varies from State to State and each project and application has its own particular challenges and requirements. Punch therefore says it behoves all sign industry professionals to do their own careful research, ensure they are up to date with all regulations, and to work closely with their substrate supplier, regulators and project management. “At the end of the day, it’s your responsibility to ensure you comply with all these new regulations, obtain all the required permits, and choose appropriate materials – for instance, substrates that meet the rules for combustibility and flammability where that is required. “We don’t want to see any sign or display business exposed to unnecessary risk or cost and are doing our best to support the industry through this challenging transition,” he says. PrintEx will run from 13-16 August at the Sydney Showground, Sydney Olympic Park, and is co-locating with Visual Impact sign, display and wide-format show, and the Label + Packaging Expo. To attend the special Forum panel session, register online for PrintEx19 to gain free access to the show, and reserve your place at the sessions of your choice. To find out about membership of the ASGA or to access member resources, go to www.signs.org.au Previous Article ASGA and Visual Connections announce Brisbane Golf Day Next Article FESPA Australia Golf Day Print 2005