ASGA NSW Golf Day 14 March 2024 - Image Magazine

Association News
ASGA NSW Golf Day 14 March 2024
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ASGA NSW Golf Day 14 March 2024

 The Australian Signs and Graphics Association (ASGA) will hold its annual NSW Sign & Print Golf Day on Thursday, 14 March, at Ryde-Parramatta Golf Club. 

The event will run in an Ambrose format, focusing on fun and camaraderie, with various prizes, including a putter and a driver. 

The Registration fee covers a full round on the course, a golf cart, drinks and lunch in the venue's function room, and the opportunity to enjoy a fun day with your industry friends and colleagues. 

The principal sponsor of the day is Graphic Art Mart. 

Registration is at 7:00 am, with shotgun start at 8:00 am. 

Lunch, drinks, and prize presentations will be from 1:00 pm. 

Other sponsors include:

Signarama is a Drinks Cart sponsor, Amari Visual is the Golf Ball Sponsor and has a Novelty Hole.

HEXIS Australia is another Novelty Hole sponsor and will cover drinks, while other Novelty Hole Sponsors include Bounce LED/Lettertech, Rowmark and Visual Connections. Sign Manufacturers Insurance Brokers (SMIB) are a prize Sponsor. 

Registration of teams closes Friday, 8 March.


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