SGIAA’s inaugural Colour Management Boot Camp paves the way - Image Magazine

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SGIAA’s inaugural Colour Management Boot Camp paves the way
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SGIAA’s inaugural Colour Management Boot Camp paves the way

Over the past four years, the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association (SGIA) has presented dozens of Colour Management Boot Camps throughout the United States. This month, the program went international: The Specialty Graphic Imaging Association of Australia (SGIAA) brought it to Melbourne.

“We are seeing consistent industry trends that confirm that companies are recognising that they can differentiate themselves through colour management. We seized the opportunity to raise the profile of colour and provide our members with access to the quality training needed to manage colour effectively,” said SGIAA President Nigel Davies, who approached SGIA about bringing the workshop to his membership.

Ray Weiss, SGIA Director of Digital Print Programs, led the Colour Management Boot Camp in Melbourne April 2 - 4. One of his objectives was to lay the groundwork for the Australian group to conduct its own Colour Management Boot Camps.

“Our Colour Management Boot Camps add hands-on experience to in-depth knowledge about colour theory. Both are critical to successful prints, no matter which hemisphere you’re in,” said Ray. “The Australian printers were eager to learn — and to practice what they learned.”

Weiss pointed out that colour specifications differ in the United States and Australia, as the Australian printing community tends to use European targets and specifications such as FOGRA, but he also noted, “The principles behind successful colour management don’t change.”

Australian colour expert David Crowther was certified to conduct future SGIA Colour Management Boot Camps.

“One of the reasons for this trip was to give the Australian printing industry the framework to conduct colour management training on its own,” added Ray.



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