ASGA offers free membership - Image Magazine

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ASGA offers free membership

The Australian Sign & Graphics Association in an effort to assist employers during this challenging COVID-19 period, is offering FREE membership to all companies until 31 December 2020.  It means that companies who are not current members can join and receive all the latest employer/employee information which has been compiled by ASGA’s Business Adviser.  Such documents include: -

1. Response for employers in dealing with employees
2. Stand down letter
3. Redundancy – first letter
4. Redundancy – second letter
5. Reduction in ordinary hours letter
6. Reduction in remuneration letter
7. Treasury fact sheet ​

To join the Association, please click here  Please disregard the $$$ listed in the form.

For current members, 2020 membership will be extended until 31 December 2020. 
As the first six months’ membership of the ASGA will be free, a membership invoice will be issued for the period 1 January 2021 – 30 June 2021 and it will be for $275 (incl GST).

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