
Association News
ASGA & FESPA HP 2020 Awards for Excellence winning entries

The ASGA & FESPA HP 2020 Awards for Excellence winning entries have been announced, together with the Young Star Awards. They are:

ASGA clarifies minimum wage and Awards Rates review - 1 Feb changes

ASGA has updated its Employment Information Guide for members, in relation to the minimum wage and Awards Rates review on 1 February.

Don’t miss the second part of ASGA's Webinar: "Sub-Contractors - Know Your Risks"!
Scheduled for 4 February 2021 at 11.30am AEDT, the webinar consists of an ASGA panel, joined by ASGA's Legal & Business Advisor...
ASGA & FESPA HP National Conference cancelled and Awards For Excellence rescheduled
The ASGA & FESPA HP National Conference, scheduled to take place in Sydney on 19 February 2021, has now been cancelled. However, the HP Awards...
Sign up for ASGA’s webinar for sub-contractors on 10 December

ASGA has announced its webinar “Sub-contractors – know your risks” to be held on 10 December at 11:30 am.

FUJIFILM to facilitate colour management bootcamp with FESPA Australia
FUJIFILM’s John Quixley will facilitate the next colour management bootcamp with FESPA Australia, to be held on from 7 to 9 December 2020.