
Business News
Print2Parliament! 2021
Val Morgan launches $1m advertising competition for small businesses
On September 27, Val Morgan Outdoor (VMO) launched "Open For Business."  It is a small business success initiative allowing...
COVID-19 Vaccination – Business Kit
 Businesses are being asked to encourage, support and provide information to their employees about getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
Ball & Doggett Continues to Strengthen Its Leadership Team

New General Managers announced to drive business growth.

ASGA seeks to influence the NCC around proposed Fire Regulation changes
Discussions are currently taking place between The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and stakeholders to determine the next release of the...
Demand For Sustainable Print Technologies Creates New Business Opportunities

Smithers latest report discovers that more environmentally friendly printing is fast emerging as an industry trend for the 2020s.

Women In Print Seeks New Patron for Victoria

Women in Print are seeking a new Victorian Patron.  It will be by nomination and precedes the Women in Print board election.

JCDecaux wins bid for Sydney Trains advertising contract
JCDecaux has announced their successful winning bid for one of Australia's most significant Out-of-Home advertising contracts – Sydney...
Construction sites shut down across Victoria's locked-down LGAs
The Victorian construction industry has been shut down for two weeks over "widespread non-compliance" in response to the violent...