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Businesses For Sale

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33 Yrs established Sign Business Link
Ipswich Local Business

I have spent 33 yrs establishing a great loyal clientelle following.

Small family Business, easily re-located, or Negotiate lease or Purchase of premises.

Full stock, Machinery and equipment.

$70,000 WIWO

Last two years T/O  $230,000 / $146,000 I have been winding down a bit. But the Business could be doubled easily with not much effort.


Home Occupation small Sign Shop.

Established 1988

Ecxellent local market name, and loyal customer list

Roland SV540 Versa Cam Printer

Roland GS24 Vinyl Cutter

Rabbit 48'' Vinyl Cutter

Easy Taper Cold Laminator

2x Computers. Signlab Pro.  Vinylmaster VMX, and Supporting programmes

Workbenches, Handtools etc

Alu-composite, Acrylic Stock,

Range of Wide format (1370mm) digital print media, and large  range of coloured Vinyl (610mm)

Options to Relocate. Rent Premises, or purchase Outright Home/Workshop/10mtr x 9mtr Shed


Wednesday, 3 November 2021/Author: William Tottey/Number of views (888)/Comments (0)/