Janet / Friday, 19 June 2020 / Categories: Latest News, Wide Format & Signage News, Business, Associations - AUS only Glenn Hain updates industry on ACM Signage Flammability ASGA has issued an update on legislation regarding ACM flammability issues and signage for its members. The document was complied by Glenn Hain, Risk & Compliance Consultant as a follow up to all the meetings held around the country last year. “With the release of the new NCC:2019 (National Construction Code - old BCA) Signage lost its exemption under the Ancillary Items Provisions from having to comply with the flammability requirements of external wall materials. Rather than applying the same criteria that is applied to materials used for cladding, the ABCB decided to apply a different standard. They chose AS 5637 and this standard requires a completely different set of tests to be applied to the materials, than the one used for cladding materials. This means that if a material is compliant for use as Cladding, it CANNOT be deemed to comply with the ones that applies for Signage, and the reverse also applies," explains Glenn, confirming that he has been in contact with the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and the Australian Standards Board (ABSB). "While they admit they had not considered all the impacts caused by these changes, the majority of the impacts are not unintentional so the majority of these changes are unlikely to be altered but we may be able to get some clarification or exemptions," he adds. The document goes on to detail where the industry is at with this, addressing the definitions of Ancillary and Non-Combustible elements in relation to the new code. Three major issues related to the NCC:2019 that are also discussed in the document include: - There is currently no cost-effective translucent material other than glass that can achieve a Group 1 or 2 classification - Further definition in regard to ancillary elements that are non-combustible - Implications of signage no longer being exempt from AS 4282 Control of Obtrusive Light Effects Outdoor Lighting. Current ASGA financial members that require clarification or additional information on the document can contact Glenn Hain directly on 0432 934 280 or email [email protected]. Note that if you are not yet a member of ASGA and would like to receive the document, go to https://signs.org.au. Membership is FREE to the all companies until 31 December 2020. Previous Article EFI Fiery prepares customers for faster recovery with extensive education programs Next Article Computaleta launches Go Digital Signage ‘out of the box’ solution Print 2386