Janet / Thursday, 20 June 2019 / Categories: Latest News, Associations SGIAA change name to FESPA Australia At their AGM held in Melbourne last night, the Speciality Graphic Imaging Association of Australia (SGIAA) voted in favour of a special resolution to change the name of the Association to FESPA Australia. SGIAA's President Nigel Davies said "FESPA is a Federation of 37 national associations whose members share the same challenges our members do. FESPA supports these associations through its 'Profit for Purpose' program, and the projects that FESPA has financially supported have enabled fantastic outcomes for the industry in Australia and across the world. Last year we submitted a detailed business plan and funding application to the FESPA Board and were invited to take the FESPA name. We can now announce that our members have voted to support this change." The name change does not affect our close working relationship with SGIA in the USA as the historical similarity in names is only coincidental. Our members benefit from access to the resources of the two powerhouses of the global specialty printing industry. The meeting saw a new board elected with two new members joining the board and one leaving. David Asker of ImageBox joins the board as Vice President. David is a pioneer of the wide-format industry in Australia co- founding ImageBox in 1988. Donovan Sendall of Rawtech Solutions joins the board as Supplier Director. Donovan, alongside Pamela Mannell of T-1 Print captured the attention of the apparel printing community with their 'Make Screen Printing Great Again' events. Leaving the board is outgoing Supplier Director Martin Stacher of Kissel + Wolf who returns to Europe soon to take up a head office role with his company. Davies says 'I thank the outgoing board for their tireless work over the past term which has delivered new initiatives such as the SGIA Colour Management Bootcamp and ASGA/SGIAA Awards. The strength of our board lies in its deep and balanced representation of the main sectors of our membership, and I am excited at what we will achieve over the next 2 years. The incoming board: President. Nigel Davies - VMG Print Group Vice President. David Asker - ImageBox Group Secretary. Keith Ferrel - Cactus Imaging Treasurer. Mark Brooks - Ancyn Screenprinters Public Relations Officer. Ben Isdale - Super Special Supplier Director. Donovan Sendall - Rawtech Solutions. For more information on SGIAA you can visit our website at www.sgiaa.asn.au Previous Article New website for Sign & Graphic industry jobseekers and apprentice seekers Next Article NZSDA Award winners announced: Falcon Signs and The Signshop Nelson win big! Print 2135