
Association News
Don’t miss the second part of ASGA's Webinar: "Sub-Contractors - Know Your Risks"!
Scheduled for 4 February 2021 at 11.30am AEDT, the webinar consists of an ASGA panel, joined by ASGA's Legal & Business Advisor...
ASGA & FESPA HP National Conference cancelled and Awards For Excellence rescheduled
The ASGA & FESPA HP National Conference, scheduled to take place in Sydney on 19 February 2021, has now been cancelled. However, the HP Awards...
Sign up for ASGA’s webinar for sub-contractors on 10 December

ASGA has announced its webinar “Sub-contractors – know your risks” to be held on 10 December at 11:30 am.

FUJIFILM to facilitate colour management bootcamp with FESPA Australia
FUJIFILM’s John Quixley will facilitate the next colour management bootcamp with FESPA Australia, to be held on from 7 to 9 December 2020.
Get your copy of ASGA’s updated Employment Information Guide today!
The ASGA has provided an updated Employment Information Guide for its members. The guide, compiled by Hicksons Lawyers, includes industry wage...
Registrations now open for ASGA & FESPA Australia HP National Conference
Registration is now open for the ASGA & FESPA Australia HP National Conference, to be held on 19 February 2021 in Sydney at the Beta Bar &...