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Join ASGA to receive the latest Employment Information Guide effective 1 July
Australian Sign & Graphics Association (ASGA) has updated its Employment Information Guide, effective 1 July. Available to members and...
Australian first: GJS sells new Brother GTXpro Bulk garment printer to T-Shirt Magic

GJS has secured the first Australian sale of the new Brother GTXpro Bulk garment printer with Sydney-based printing business T-Shirt Magic

Industry recovery: OOH announces 125 percent increase on net revenue for Q2 2021
The Out of Home (OOH) industry has announced an increase of 125 percent on net media revenue for the second quarter of 2021, reporting $203.3...
Alfex Laser to run live demos at PacPrint 2021
Alfex Laser will run live demonstrations of a number of its industry-leading laser systems for cutting, marking and engraving at PacPrint 2021,...
Roland DG announces EUV5 Orange and Red UV-curable inks for VersaUV LEC2 printer cutters

Roland DG has announced the addition of EUV5 Orange and Red UV-curable inks for use in the VersaUV LEC2 series of UV-LED printer cutters.

Organisers confirm PacPrint will go ahead in Melbourne: 28 September to 1 October
PacPrint, Visual Impact and the Label & Packaging Expo are set to go ahead as planned, despite recent COVID outbreaks in around the country,...
Watch ASGA's 'COVID-19: Next Steps for your Business' discussion and get free resource pack
A recording of the live panel discussion is now available online, along with a free resource pack, providing some of the key information and tips.
Canon announces new Arizona 135 GT UV Flatbed Printer
Canon has announced the launch of the new Arizona 135 GT UV flatbed printer which can create impressive applications across an extensive range of...
NSW lockdown interim advice: ASGA’s Mick Harrold and Marc Martello
On behalf of the ASGA, Marc Martello (NSW Chair) and Mick Harrold (VIC Chair) have provided the following advice on the current lockdown...